- Eighteen Short Lectures
- Sixteen Live Ministry Demonstrations
- Ten Practice Exercises
- Answers to 50 Frequently Asked Questions
Click here to view the introduction segment for this series of training. videos. www.youtube.com/watch?v=SnA1KzoOIGs
Supplementary/additional material for the Immanuel Approach Basic Training DVD set:
We developed four additional teaching segments after the DVD sets were all packaged. The good news is that you can easily access them with the following links:
Supplemental seg 4b: https://youtu.be/hKKiT0OowEw
Supplemental seg 4c: https://youtu.be/_KVC9QcSMVM
Training segment 9b: https://youtu.be/dow6eHOuTPg
Training segment 11b: https://youtu.be/ehjosdsYKr4
NOTE: these supplementary/additional segments are part of the DVD set you have purchased, so you may share them with anyone that is actually viewing the DVDs with you in a group training setting. Please do not share them outside of this group training setting.
Also, the following link provides the content from the PowerPoint slides for all of the Basic Training Seminar videos: https://www.immanuelapproach.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/IABasicTrainingSlidesComplete.pdf
"InterVarsity-Christian Fellowship has been using these training videos for the last year and a half, with excellent results. The teaching segments, demonstrations and practice exercises are flexible, well thought through and a great way to train people in Immanuel Prayer. Our plan is to use these videos to train staff for the upcoming Urbana conference and for years to come." - Peter Horn, Senior Area Director with InterVarsity Christian Fellowship and Prayer Coordinator for InterVarsity Urbana conference.
Karl D. Lehman, M.D. is a Board-certified psychiatrist and author of Outsmarting Yourself and The Immanuel Approach. He has been integrating his medical and scientific knowledge with Spirit-filled healing ministry for the past several decades.
Charlotte E.T. Lehman, M. DIV. is a pastoral counselor and lead pastor of Reba Place Church.